Boomless Nozzle – Add On Assembly

Qspray/Quality Equipment



SKU: Boomless Assembly Add On

Product Description

Customer asked us to build a boomless nozzle assembly that they could add to their existing ATV sprayer.

The assembly consists of 2 parts:

  – the Driver Control Assembly.  

    This assembly mounts in the driver cab.  The spray hose is connected to the input side of the assembly.  There are 2 manual control valves, each with a hose that leads to one of the boomless nozzles.


 – the Nozzle Assemlby.  This assembly mounts in the vehicle receiver hitch.  The 2 hoses from the control valves are connected to the 2 boomless nozzles, giving the driver the ability to select left, right or both nozzles.  

   This assembly is removable for storage, which helps reduce the chance of a technician destroying it when not in use.



This type of assembly can be customized to any vehicle and any existing sprayer that has the output capacity (gallons per minute) to drive the nozzles.  





  • Weight: 1 lb

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